Sunday, 27 December 2015

Sara Asnaghi

Sara Asnaghi is an Italian artist with a main focus on sculpting, photography and animation. 
Based in Milan, Italy, Sara Asnaghi used pretty much anything that is edible to craft her delicious-looking brains such as hemp seeds, black rice, sandwich ingredients and candied sprinkles. Sara Asnaghi decided not to exclude other animals by using food for canaries and even hay as well. 

All images copy right by Sara Asnaghi

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Michele Astolfi 

Italian artist Michele Astolfi experiments with different materials such as silk, crystal, natural stone and resins to create stunning works of art.Born in Bologna, he completes his studies through Italy, Switzerland, United States and Paris. He gets an unexpected success with this collection. His work evolves in this direction, creating unique objects by the use of new techniques and materials, up to precious and exclusive collections for the furniture field.The exclusive collection of precious sculptures of animals is intended for interior decor, home furniture. Unfortunately there is not much information about the artist on the net.

All images copy right by Michele Astolfi

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Nakis Kasnaklari. (Embroidery Hoops) 

Cocukken nakis kasnaklari denirdi simdi tam olarak Turkce ne dendigini bilmiyorum ama eminim sizler benim ne demek istedigimi anlamissinizdir. Bu kasnaklarla sadece nakis yapiliyor diye dusunmeyin ben sizlere ilham verecek bir suru sey buldum.Evinizi dekore ederken bu fikirleri is alanlarindada kullanabilirsiniz.Bu tarz seyler yapip satabilir yada etkinliklerde kullanabilirsiniz.Mesela bir organizasyon,okul kermesi,kafeterya dekorasyonu,cocugunuzun odasini dekore etme yada benim yaptigim gibi salonunuzu yada hobi odanizi dekore edebilirsiniz.:) Size fikir benden yapmasi sizden. Bana yaptiginiz uygulamalarin fotolarini mail adresime atarakda ulastirabilirsiniz burda sizin fikirlerinizi de paylasabilirim.:)

image source is various: ( ) and pinterest. 

Monday, 21 September 2015

What a Lovely Autumn  

Bizim buralarda yani Londra'da sonbahar geldi bile.Zaten Londra`yi bilenler bilir dogru durust yaz olmaz buralarda.Bu benim blogumda yazdigim ilk Turkce yazim oluyor.Simdiye kadar yazdigim yazilarim sadece arastirmalarim,dergi icin yazdigim yazilar tarzinda iletiler oldu.Dergi demisken part time olarak yazi yazdigim Amerika`da yayimlanan ama dunyanin heryerine iletilebilen bir tekstil,fiber dergisi.Benim gibi tekstil delileri icin mukemmel bir dergi.Abone oldugunuz taktirde ister online isterseniz de adresinize kadar gelebilen bir dergi.Dunyanin heryerinden sanatcilar ve calismalari hakkinda bilgi edinebilir,degisik calismalari gorup ilham alabilirsiniz.Sergiler,fuarlar hakkinda da cokca bilgi yeraliyor.Blogumda sag tarafta linkini goreceksiniz.Fiber Art Now dergimizin ismi.Bu arada yakinda cok buyuk bir tekstil fuarina gidecegim buraya fotograflarini da sizler icin eklerim.Diger yillarda gittigim fuarlarin fotolarini da yuklemeyi dusunuyorum.Artik bir karar aldim ve blogumdaki yazilarimi daha kisisellestirecegim. Kendim ve yasantim hakkindada sizlere bilgiler verip yaptigim calismalari,sergilerimi sizlerle paylasmaya karar verdim..Artik daha sicak bir ortamda sizlerle gunluk yasantimi paylasmayi,sizlerinde benimle ayni seyi yapmanizi isterim.Guzel dostluklar ve paylasimlarda gorusmek uzere.. :)

Friday, 10 April 2015

Kate Jenkins

Kate combines an artist’s eye for colour with a witty imagination. Using her background in fashion and talent for design, Kate creates amazing, innovative crocheted pictures – each one an original. Kate’s philosophy that anything can be created from yarn as long as it is made with love, has been translated into several very successful exhibitions throughout the UK and USA, including a recent one at Liberty of London. Much of her inspiration comes from living in the vibrant city of Brighton.

Graduating from the University of Brighton in 1995 with a degree in Fashion & Textile, Kate works out of her studio and shop in Brighton. In her previous life as a successful knitting consultant, she sold her designs to fashion labels Marc Jacobs, Missoni, Sonia Rykiel and Donna Karan before establishing her own label Cardigan in 2003 which produces gorgeous fashion and home wares. 

She has crocheted art pieces of the nation’s favourite food, transformed spaces into a knitted and crocheted garden, knitted a fantasy dinner party setting complete with crocheted bottles of champagne.

All images copy right by Kate Jenkins